Chancellor's Society



A major university aspiring to greatness must have a core group 
whose mission is to see the institution attain its highest level. 
At the University of Arkansas, 
the Chancellor's Society is that group.


The Chancellor’s Society is the most prestigious annual giving group and is made up of some of the university’s most loyal and generous benefactors. 


  • Managed by the Office of Annual Giving.
  • Annual recognition for giving during a fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).  Gifts may be designated to the Chancellor’s Society Fund or to any area of campus.


  • $2,000
  • $1,000 (6-10 years since graduation)
  • $500 (students & 1-5 years since graduation)


  • Welcome letter hand-signed by the chancellor with electronic signatures from the volunteer Chancellor’s Society chair(s).
  • Annual reception hosted by the chancellor, which is held each fall for members from the previous fiscal year.
  • Custom-designed holiday ornament of a campus building or landmark sent each November to members from the previous fiscal year. 

For more information, please contact:

tinyAEmily Money

                    Senior Director, Office of Engagement
                    Office Phone: (479) 575-5104

Chancellor's Society collage